H.Cope & Sons > Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
This page has answers to some of H Cope & Sons most frequently asked questions, if you have any other queries or questions please don't hesitate to contact us. |
Can I bring in brick rubble and Concrete ? |
Yes. We currently offer a tip for clean concrete and brick rubble. We currently charge a £5.00 per load fee at the gate. Also your concrete and brick rubble is recycled - So you are doing your bit for the environment !! However we do check each truck going into the crushing yard - The brick and concrete has to be clean with no other materials present - if so it will be charged at a higher rate. |
Can I send back excess concrete ? |
Yes you can. This is tipped in our crushing yard and allowed to set. Once it has it is crushed and used in our 6F material. Therefore it is recycled. We dont charge you for returned concrete - most of our competitors do !!! Another environmentally friendly facet to our business !! |
Can your company offer credit facilities? |
Yes in certain circumstances. Contact us to arrange for our local representative to visit you. |
Do Copes produce render |
We do now. We have been told that our render is like putting "cream on a wall" ) We cant vouch for this because we prefer our cream with cake or strawberries). As the picture in the portfolio shows - it does the job |
How big are our mortar tubs ? |
They hold 300 litres of mortar when we fill them (our competitor professes that theirs are 10% bigger - However we aim to beat their price by 12% if the contract is within our supply area. |
How do I know what type of mortar to order ? |
If you are laying bricks or blocks below the damp proof course you will need to order Class 2 mortar, If above order Class 3. However if you have a specification always check this first. |
How much does concrete weigh ? |
As a rule of thumb, concrete is approximately 2.4 tons per cubic metre. Therefore a 0.4m3 collect will weigh 960 kgs (0.96 tons). Please take this into account and ensure your vehicle is capable of carrying the weight |
How quickly does concrete set and what to do in hot/cold times |
This is very much temperature dependant. If its cold, the concrete set is slowed down (below 2 degrees centigrade it can stop!) and above 26 degrees it can go off very quickly indeed. In our temperatures in the UK you will normally have 1.25 - 2.0 hours. However its always a good idea to get the concrete placed and finished as quickly as possible. When you have - protect the concrete. Try to protect against the concrete freezing - foam insulation - weighted around the edges. If its hot, try to stop the concrete drying too quickly - it will crack if it drys too fast. When hot, protect with a coloured plastic or boards - if you dont have either mist water over the surface. Its worth doing and the concrete will give you years of good service !!! |
How wide and how high are the delivery truck mixers? |
Please call our office and we will furnish you with the correct dimensions. However as a rule of thumb your entrance must be at least 9 ½ feet wide to be able to get a concrete mixer into your site or property. |
Is my mortar quality assured ? |
Yes. We CE mark our mortar and have it tested frequently. In July 2013 The Construction Products Directive comes into force. Any company selling construction products has to conform with the new legislation. The certificate will be published on our downloads section very shortly. |
What is the minimum amount of mortar I can order ? |
You can order one tub or if you require and have a suitable vehicle, you can collect from our yard too. |